Miyerkules, Hulyo 13, 2011

Ad Analysis #6 World Wildlife Fund

Deforestation is one of the biggest ecological problems that the world is facing today. Deforestation causes landslides, soil erosion, flooding and loss of biodiversity. People sometimes forget that when you but a tree you just don't kill it,  you also kill the creatures that are living in that tree.

WWF's ad, saying "You never kill just the tree" is very eye-opening. What gives this ad more impact is that the sign is hung on a tree painted with an animal print. That gives it the impression that killing a tree also kills an animal. The message is really strong and it gives you something to think about. The ad is just simple yet it did what it had to do, to make people more environmentally aware. 

Ad Analysis #5 Rejoice

Who doesn't want to have smooth and silky hair? Rejoice is one of the products in the market that is famous for giving its users hair, that looks like it had just come out of a salon for a hot oil treatment. 

This commercial of Rejoice is just short, but it'll tell you all you have to know to be convinced to buy it. In the video, the man is caressing the girls hair, but to the girl's surprise and apparently also to his, his hands dropped at the tip of the girls hair, which is just right above her chest. Then the girl slaps the guy, and the guy just drops. Apparently the reason why his hands accidentally went above her chest was because of the smoothness that Rejoice had given it after the girl used it. The message of the commercial is very strong. If you want hair like the girl's in the video, use Rejoice.

Ad Analysis #4 Epuron

Finding ways to make our world more environmental friendly is hard. Epuron, one of the leading companies for the development and financing of wind energy projects in Germany and France, is one of the companies that focusses on environmental technologies and renewable energies.

The commercial for Epuron is very original. The commercial starts off with a man talking about how he was being misunderstood. Then it shows this man doing ridiculous stuff. At the end the man tells us that after years of being misunderstood finally somebody accepted him and put him to good use. The man is actually personifying the wind. That man that gave him the job simbolizes the company Epuron. The message of the video makes it clear to the people of what the company is all about and what it has done to make wind of good use. The video also suggests that you can make something work if you just take the time to think about it. 

Ad Analysis #3 Bose Headphones

The sound of a rushing waterfall is pretty loud. So to find headphones that can keep you from hearing it, sounds impressive. The product Bose insures to its buyers that they can get that kind of feature. People often want to take a break from reality and go to another world. Many people do this by putting on headphones and listening to their favorite tracks. Sometimes headphones don't cancel all the sounds coming from the outside. Bose has the solution for that.

The image above shows a man rowing his boat like any other man would while boating. That is not a usual reaction if you find yourself about to fall form a waterfall. But the man in the picture is totally unaware because he is using Bose headphones. The message that this ad gives to it's viewers is what you see in the picture. Bose headphones is so good in cancelling sounds that you wouldn't hear a waterfall even if you're just a few feet away from you That is a very strong message and that will surely get stuck in the minds of its viewers. Just make sure not to use it when you're going boating in areas with waterfalls.

Ad Analysis #2 S.R MONZA

When you see a picture of a classroom full of broken desks the first thing that might come into your mind is "What in the world do they teach the students here?" But this school has a pretty good excuse. They teach karate. 

The picture above is a print ad by S.R MONZA, a karate school. The picture doesn't have that much detail and colors. It's just very clean and simple but it gives you something to think about. The text "KARATE SCHOOL" gives away what the ad is all about. The ad shows that all the desks are broken in half, so the people looking at the ad can assume that all its student are capable of doing this. And that by enrolling in this program you too can do it. Now, who wouldn't want to enroll in a karate school which ensures you that after the program you can break desks in two?

Ad Analysis #1 Nikon COOLPIX S60

Red-eye effect - it's the common appearance of red pupils in color photographs of the eye, and people dread it! Face detectors in cameras get rid of this problem. But then there's another problem, cameras with face detectors often detect just a few faces, so that doesn't really help in group photos. The Nikon COOLPIX S60 is the answer to those problems because product can detect up to 12 faces.

The picture above is a print ad for Nikon COOLPIX S60. The ad shows you how sensitive it is in detecting faces. It detects the faces that can't even be seen immediately by the human eye. It's that high tech. In the ad you can only see the man in the middle. But as you can see the camera detects other faces that seems to look like people from a tribe. The ad really works because the message that it gives, which is that it is very sensitive in face detection, is really clear. After using this product you may never see red-eyes again!

Lunes, Hunyo 27, 2011

Integrated Marketing Communications and the iPod

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is all about having all communications, all marketing have a consistent message. Apple computer has gotten major kudos for the iPod (whether the original, nano or shuffle).
Do a little research. Go to the Apple iPod website, try  to find an iPod ad (in print or television), and examine any PR Apple has gotten about the iPod. Examine the product and the packaging.

What is the message that one gets from all these elements?
        I researched about iPod print ads. We all know that iPod is famous for its print ads most of it, if not all,  show a silhouette of a person  (against a bright colored background) who seems to be  "grooving to the music" while listening to a white colored iPod.

        In my opinion, the silhouette symbolizes that iPod is for a person of any race, age, or sex. The simplicity of the ad wished to convey  that it is not a complicated gadget and is therefore user friendly. The silhouette that appears to be on the move tells us that iPod can make you dance, move, groove and express yourself.

         As regards its packaging, an iPod looks very simple yet elegant. It's only design is the Apple logo  displayed on the back of all of its products be it iPods, iPhones, Macbooks and laptops, iPads, etc.. Sheer simplicity! But for those who want their iPods or other Apple gadgets to look a little more creative, Apple stores have a long range of cases and skins to choose from.

Why did it become more successful over other mp3 players?
 -       In my opinion, the iPod owes its big success to its ads, especially on the print ads. Nowadays, when people see an ad of a silhouette, dancing on a bright colored background, they automatically think of iPod, even without seeing the iPod sign.

In your opinion, has apple followed an IMC strategy? And not just for the iPod but also the entire company?
-       IMC strategy is all about having a consistent message. For me, iPod did just that. Their  message which is "I look simple yet elegant. I'm not a complicated gadget, " is seen in the iPods, iPhones, Macbooks and laptops, and even in the iPads. Apple has truly proven to the advertising world that a great ad, may it be print or television, can skyrocket a product to the top.